Thursday, 7 October 2021

 Thursday Weekly Wrap Up

Wow! We've had an incredible 4-day week full of all sorts of fabulous learnings and explorations! Scholastic Book order flyers were sent home today.  We also had our first visit to the Learning Commons & Library.  Your child brought home one (1) book to read at home.  Our library exchange day is Thursdays.  Please ensure your child brings their book back next Thursday so they can check out a new book! I hope you and your family have a fabulous Thanksgiving long weekend! 

Thank you for sending in natural materials! They have inspired us to create fall art pieces and we are starting a cross-curricular unit inspired by a Scottish land-based artist named Andy Goldsworthy! We are using natural materials to create patterns, explore our senses and create sketches, rubbings and art! 

  • We discussed what we are thankful for! 
  • We used our natural materials to create patterns! 
  • We focused on completing patterned sentences independently using Fall picture prompts 
  • Printing practice: KkLlMmNn
  • We went on a fall community/senses/signs of seasonal change walk on Tuesday afternoon and we collected even more natural materials! 
  • We continued to learn about our sense of touch and started talking about our sense of sight. We learned about Louis Braille and how he invented the Braille system.  We created our names in braille using the 6 dot grid and sticker gems! 
  • We created a t-shirt design using symbols about us (our age, number of people in our family, favourite foods, colour(s), animal, season and sport) 

Here is a snapshot of our learning this week!