Friday October 15 - Week Wrap-Up
Please send a couple "soft" (if possible) leaves with your child on Tuesday. Students will be making leaf prints and painting patterns on leaves next week.
- PD Day - No School - October 18
- Adventure Running Residency - October 19 and 20
- School Council Meeting - October 20
- Edo Fun Lunch - October 27
- Halloween Celebration - October 29
We Are Learning To....
We went outside this morning and students created some beautiful art pieces with our natural materials! Check out the photos below! Have your child show you their creation!
- English Language Arts
- Printing practice: OoPpQqRrSsTtUuVv
- Story Writing using picture prompts
- Sight Word focus: the am see we like and
- Social Studies: We looked at maps of Canada, Alberta and Calgary. We learned about which First Nations and Metis settlements are around us, on Treaty 7 land. This includes the Tsuu T'ina, Siksika and Stoney Nations. We found where our home community is and coloured in a map as well! Students were introduced to what landmarks are (such as natural and man-made!)
- Science: We made predictions about mystery sounds, such as a lawn mower, electric drill, birds, wind, bowling alley and more! Ask your student about the mystery sounds! Mystery Sounds Video
- Math: students learned about addition sentences, and the vocabulary: part/part/whole, sum, addition sign + and equals sign =. ____ + _____ = _______. We worked on sums from 2-10. We also discussed and practised using the strategy, counting on!
- Character Education & Health: We continue to focus on making expected choices and reflecting on how our choices impact our classrooms, families and friends. Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Hoye had an important discussion with all Grade 1 students about expected behaviour, especially when we are outside at morning recess and lunch recess.