Friday, 29 October 2021

 Friday October 29 

Weekly Wrap Up 

What a wonderful week we had! It was full of learning and fun experiences!

  • In Science, we learned and focused on our sense of smell! 
    • We discussed what we thought some examples of good versus bad smells are and drew them
    • Students participated in a mystery smell experiment! We smelled: vinegar, toothpaste, garlic, cinnamon, coffee and curry powder
  • Social Studies
    • Students carefully  decorated their special rocks with acrylic paint pens 
    • We went outside with our rocks and sat in our special sit spot, in the front of the school, among the rocks and trees.  
  • Math
    • We used number lines and talked about number bonds! 
    • We used number line and numbers bonds to solve simple addition problems with sums up to 10! 
    • We learned about sorting rules and attributes.  We sorted a variety of buttons, shells, beads and ribbons!
    • We created pumpkin patterns and learned about pattern rule and pattern core! 
  • English Language Arts
    • We focused on completing centers that helped us practice our sight words of the week
    • We completed some jack o lantern art and wrote about our jack o lanterns using our five senses! 
    • We coloured a fall picture prompt and challenged ourselves to write at least three sentences independently about the picture. 

It's hard to believe but it's going to be November next week! Wow! We have already completed 2 months of Grade One! 

Have a great weekend!
Miss Boettcher 

Monday, 25 October 2021

 Monday October 25 

We had a Fire Drill today and students did very well following expected behaviour!


Friday is Halloween Dress Up Day - please see email from Mrs. Hoye about expectations/outline for the day 

Have you logged into Raz Kids and Mathletics recently? Check them out! 

Friday, 22 October 2021

 Friday October 22 Wrap-Up


  • Photo Retake Day - October 25
  • Fun Lunch - October 27 
  • Halloween Dress Up Day - October 29 
  • We need volunteers for our Casino - see the email from Mrs. Hoye! 
  • Please send your child to school dressed appropriately for the weather (warm jackets, mitts/gloves, hats) 

We Are Learning To:

  • Students were introduced to the concept of a number line and started using them to solve simple addition questions up to a sum of 10. 
  • Adventure Running was an exciting experience! Students walked together to Flint Park, which is about 15 minutes from our school and challenged themselves to follow a colour coded mapping course! 
  • We looked closely at and observed and sketched a variety of pumpkins and gourds.  We learned about the different parts of a pumpkin and its life cycle.  
  • We reflected on our time learning about Andy Goldsworthy
  • We used leaves to create a variety of leaf prints 

Have a great weekend!

Miss Boettcher 

Friday, 15 October 2021

 Friday October 15 - Week Wrap-Up


Please send a couple "soft" (if possible) leaves with your child on Tuesday.  Students will be making leaf prints and painting patterns on leaves next week.  

  • PD Day - No School - October 18 
  • Adventure Running Residency - October 19 and 20 
  • School Council Meeting  - October 20
  • Edo Fun Lunch - October 27 
  • Halloween Celebration - October 29 
We Are Learning To....

We went outside this morning and students created some beautiful art pieces with our natural materials! Check out the photos below! Have your child show you their creation! 
  • English Language Arts
    • Printing practice: OoPpQqRrSsTtUuVv
    • Story Writing using picture prompts
    • Sight Word focus: the am see we like and 
  • Social Studies: We looked at maps of Canada, Alberta and Calgary.  We learned about which First Nations and Metis settlements are around us, on Treaty 7 land.  This includes the Tsuu T'ina, Siksika and Stoney Nations.  We found where our home community is and coloured in a map as well! Students were introduced to what landmarks are (such as natural and man-made!) 
  • Science: We made predictions about mystery sounds, such as a lawn mower, electric drill, birds, wind, bowling alley and more! Ask your student about the mystery sounds! Mystery Sounds Video
  • Math: students learned about addition sentences, and the vocabulary: part/part/whole, sum, addition sign + and equals sign =.  ____ + _____ = _______. We worked on sums from 2-10.  We also discussed and practised using the strategy, counting on! 
  • Character Education & Health: We continue to focus on making expected choices and reflecting on how our choices impact our classrooms, families and friends.  Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Hoye had an important discussion with all Grade 1 students about expected behaviour, especially when we are outside at morning recess and lunch recess. 

Monday, 11 October 2021


 Dear Parents, 

Thank you for your emails about the incorrect Scholastic Class Code! I sincerely appreciate it and apologize for the error!  Please use this class code to order books.    RC173088   Scholastic Canada

You should see my name pop up when you input the code.  If you see another teacher's name, please do not proceed with the order.  Please let me know if you have any further questions!

Ms. Boettcher 

Thursday, 7 October 2021

 Thursday Weekly Wrap Up

Wow! We've had an incredible 4-day week full of all sorts of fabulous learnings and explorations! Scholastic Book order flyers were sent home today.  We also had our first visit to the Learning Commons & Library.  Your child brought home one (1) book to read at home.  Our library exchange day is Thursdays.  Please ensure your child brings their book back next Thursday so they can check out a new book! I hope you and your family have a fabulous Thanksgiving long weekend! 

Thank you for sending in natural materials! They have inspired us to create fall art pieces and we are starting a cross-curricular unit inspired by a Scottish land-based artist named Andy Goldsworthy! We are using natural materials to create patterns, explore our senses and create sketches, rubbings and art! 

  • We discussed what we are thankful for! 
  • We used our natural materials to create patterns! 
  • We focused on completing patterned sentences independently using Fall picture prompts 
  • Printing practice: KkLlMmNn
  • We went on a fall community/senses/signs of seasonal change walk on Tuesday afternoon and we collected even more natural materials! 
  • We continued to learn about our sense of touch and started talking about our sense of sight. We learned about Louis Braille and how he invented the Braille system.  We created our names in braille using the 6 dot grid and sticker gems! 
  • We created a t-shirt design using symbols about us (our age, number of people in our family, favourite foods, colour(s), animal, season and sport) 

Here is a snapshot of our learning this week!