Friday Wrap Up - November 5
Hello Families! What a wonderful week! I hope you have a fabulous weekend! See you Monday boys and girls!
- We only have school Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week
- Parent-Teacher Conferences will be November 25/26 - booking information coming soon
- Label if possible all hats/gloves/outdoor gear with your child's name in case they are misplaced or left outside
- Please ensure you send at least two (2) fresh clean masks in your childs backpack each day.
- Homework - will be posted this weekend and due to the upcoming short school week, it will be due the following Friday, November 19.
This Week... We Are Learning About...
- Zones of Regulation - green, red, blue, yellow - ask me about this ! My goal is to be in the green zone during classroom learning time! Yellow zone is a great zone for gym and recess!
- Math
- patterning, extending a pattern, making our own pattern with 2-4 elements, what is a pattern core, number bonds for 6, 7, 8
- Solving beginner addition word problems
- Skip counting by 5s and 10s
- Social
- What groups do I belong to? (cultural, religious, extra-curricular/sports, family, etc)
- Where is my family from?
- English Language Arts
- Practicing writing and reading our weekly sight words
- Engaging in Literacy Centers
- Using picture prompts to write at least 3 sentences independently.
- Remembrance Day reflections and class discussions