Friday, 4 March 2022

Friday March 4

 Happy Friday! What a lot of snow we received this week! A friendly reminder to please send your child with appropriate winter gear, such as hats, mittens/gloves and snowpants :) 

I understand some parents have encountered glitches with homework assignments on Mathletics.   I believe the issue has been rectified on my end.  I sincerely apologize for any confusion! I of course understand if students were unable to complete the assigned Mathletic's tasks this past week. Thank you for your understanding! 

  • Please see the additional information in the upcoming homework assignment about bringing in items to build leprechaun traps the week of March 14. 
  • Please book a (virtual) parent-teacher conference - system opens Saturday morning at 8am. 
  • We are visiting the Book Fair to browse the books on Tuesday March 8.  Students are able to bring in money for Thursday March 10 to purchase books.  Mrs. Taylor will also send an email with the online book fair store school link should you wish you purchase books that way.  

Thank you so much and have a wonderful weekend
Miss Boettcher