Friday, 3 December 2021

 Weekly Wrap-Up: November 29 - December 3

Wow! Welcome to December! Time is just flying by! 


  • Please ensure students have winter boots and all winter gear with them everyday for the winter season.  
  • Please ensure students bring at least 2 clean masks with them each day.
  • Fun Lunch Orders due soon
  • Virtual Assembly with Earth Rangers next week on Dec 9!
  • Donations to the Calgary Food Bank can be brought in at any time! We have a friendly challenge set up between the Grade 1 classes to see which class can bring in the most non-perishable food items! 

We Are Learning About...

  • Animal Senses and Changes during Autumn and Fall 
English Language Arts 
  • Walking Stories about ourselves - I am strong when..., I can show respect when...
  • Winter Story Prompts - can you use the sight word of the week "SNOW" to create a story? 
  • Representing numbers, addition facts to 10, using a number line and manipulatives to solve addition problems, number bonds and number facts to 18 
  • Practice skip counting by 2s to 20, 5s to 100 and 10s to 100 
  • Doubles practice (1 + 1 = 2 all the way to 10 + 10 = 20) 
  • Final review of rights and responsibilities before we move into our community landmark project! Stay tuned for details!