Friday, 17 December 2021

Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!!

Hello Parents & Guardians!

Thank you for every gift and wonderful note and card! I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas Break!

  • Students brought home 2 handmade ornaments today
  • Ask your child about our paper chain challenge!
  • Here is the digital link to the name project: My Name Project
  • If you have any extra cardboard boxes (cereal, shoe boxes, small toy) and you don't mind hanging onto them until the new year, please send them to school with your child the week of January 4 - we have a secret Social Studies project planned (building a community!) Stay tuned for more details in the new year!

See you in 2022!

Miss Boettcher 

Monday, 13 December 2021

Monday December 13


Please see Mrs. Taylor's email about each day's dress-up themes! 

Homework has been posted - you have several weeks to complete the tasks - homework is due Friday January 7, 2022

Friday, 10 December 2021

Weekly Wrap-Up: December 10


Please see Mrs. Taylor's email with all details for next week's fun festivities! 

Thank you for your generous donations to the food bank! So far, Room 20 students have brought in 71 items! Wow!! Amazing!

Our Learning This Week:

  • We finished representing numbers up to 20! Ask your child to show you! 
  • We discussed 2D shapes, how we could sort them, learned the new word "vertice" and played dice roll addition games with partners! We also made 2D Shape pizzas!
  • We made our own 1-100 number lines and then circled the 2s to 20, 5s to 100 and 10s to 100! 
  • In Social, students started to create their own dream community maps, complete with 10+ landmarks, green spaces and more! Be on the look out for more information in January about when we start building a community! 
  • Students continue to experiment with beginning story writing and using different sentence starters 
  • We had an amazing Virtual Assembly with Earth Rangers! You can download the app for free and use the code "LYNX" for 25 points and the code "BELUGA" for a free shirt for your avatar! 
  • In Art, we created an oil pastel winter sunrise art piece! 

Friday, 3 December 2021

 Weekly Wrap-Up: November 29 - December 3

Wow! Welcome to December! Time is just flying by! 


  • Please ensure students have winter boots and all winter gear with them everyday for the winter season.  
  • Please ensure students bring at least 2 clean masks with them each day.
  • Fun Lunch Orders due soon
  • Virtual Assembly with Earth Rangers next week on Dec 9!
  • Donations to the Calgary Food Bank can be brought in at any time! We have a friendly challenge set up between the Grade 1 classes to see which class can bring in the most non-perishable food items! 

We Are Learning About...

  • Animal Senses and Changes during Autumn and Fall 
English Language Arts 
  • Walking Stories about ourselves - I am strong when..., I can show respect when...
  • Winter Story Prompts - can you use the sight word of the week "SNOW" to create a story? 
  • Representing numbers, addition facts to 10, using a number line and manipulatives to solve addition problems, number bonds and number facts to 18 
  • Practice skip counting by 2s to 20, 5s to 100 and 10s to 100 
  • Doubles practice (1 + 1 = 2 all the way to 10 + 10 = 20) 
  • Final review of rights and responsibilities before we move into our community landmark project! Stay tuned for details!