Friday, 28 January 2022

Friday January 28

 Wow! Here we are at the end of January! What a wonderful 3 weeks of learning! 

  • Monday - NO SCHOOL - PD DAY 
  • Fun Lunch for Panago has been posted! 
  • Please send your child with 2 clean masks each day.  I have medical-grade masks available for them in the classroom as well. 
  • Thank you for continuing to keep our classroom as safe as possible.  Please complete the AHS Daily Checklist, each morning before school.  Even if your child tests negative but has symptoms of cold/illness, they must stay home until they have no symptoms.  Thank you! 
This week, students:
  • Reviewed and practiced addition facts to 20 through various warm ups, mad minutes, games and open-ended word problems
  • Kicked off a new Science unit all about COLOUR! Ask your child about the primary and secondary colours! 
  • Wrote a funny story about DJ Dog and a guitar playing pig! 

Friday, 21 January 2022

Friday January 21

 Weekly Wrap-Up!

We are so excited to share these photos with you of our community! We are so so proud of our hard work!! 

Reminders and Updates:
  • Test Kits will be sent home on Monday with your child
  • Library Books returned each Thursday please and thank you! 
  • Thank you for continuing to monitor your child for any symptoms of cold/flu/illness and following the AHS Daily Health Checklist.  Thank you for helping to keep our class and students safe and stopping any transmission of illness. 
  • Have a fabulous weekend!
Miss Boettcher 

Monday, 17 January 2022

Monday January 17, 2022

 Hello Families!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend!  New homework has been posted.  Please remember to mark and check your child's homework.  I do not mark their homework but check if it has been completed and track complete/incomplete. 


- Please send 2 clean masks with your child each day 

- Virtual Parent Council Meeting this Wednesday 6:30pm


- January 31 is a PD Day  - no school! 

Have a wonderful week! Stay tuned for details about our community building project!

Monday, 10 January 2022

Welcome Back! Hello 2022!

 Happy Monday!

Welcome Back to School! I was so happy to see each student this morning and hear all about their time on vacation! 


  • Name Project - if you haven't already, please complete the name project (see previous post) and send in as soon as possible for sharing!
  • Boxes - do you have any leftover boxes (cereal box, shoe box, etc) that we can have? Students will be creating a special Social Studies project starting next week and we are in need of boxes! Please send clean boxes with your child this week if you are able to! Thank you!
  • Homework - new homework has been posted on the homework page - I will do a Friday check for all homework assignments.  
  • Please do not send your child to school if they are unwell or have any symptoms, even if they have a negative test.  Please complete the AHS Daily Checklist and refer to Mrs. Taylor's welcome back email as well.  
  • We have not received the rapid tests or medical masks from the government yet.  Please ensure your child comes to school wearing a new, clean mask each day and has at least 2 backup masks in their backpack as well.  

Have a wonderful week! Check back here on Friday for our weekly wrap-up! 
Miss Boettcher